![]() Below is an email GMB Northants Community Branch received from 38 Degrees about Matalan, that he wanted to share with you, it would be good if you could please sign 38 Degrees petition
The July issue of the GMB Northants Community Branch Newsletter was published today, check your inbox or read it here.
You can Subscribe to our email list if you would like to. www.gmbnorthants.org GMB Congress 2014 was held in the Capital FM Arena, Bolero Square, The Lace Market, Nottingham NG1 1LA on Sunday 8 June to Thursday 12 June 2014.
You can find out more here including copies of some of the speeches The next meeting of the GMB Northants Community Branch will be held on Wednesday, 30th July at 7.00pm in the Ex-Servicemen’s Club, Lloyds Road, Corby. NN17 1AP AGENDA Apologies Minutes of branch meeting 25.06.14 Matters Arising. Correspondence. Secretary’s Report Financial Report Presidents Report Youth Officers Report Equality Officers Report Workplace Reports. Any Other Business Yours fraternally Gordon Glassford. ![]()
Summary of Branch Meeting 25.06.14 Lily reported back from congress. Speakers had included Owen Jones from Hope Not Hate and a newspaper columnist and Ed Milliband who had both spoken well and passionately. Both speeches are available on the GMB website. She had attended the manufacturing section conference and had spoken even though she wasn’t a delegate. Lily had also attended the National Pensioners Convention AGM where concern was expressed about the new single rate pension. Some may gain through this but many more will lose out. She was elected onto the executive committee. Lily was congratulated on giving an excellent report and it was agreed that we pay her and Mary’s expenses to Congress and her expenses to the NPC AGM. Workplace Reports: Fergus has attended a national Kier 6 monthly meeting between company and reps. He asked if it would be possible to get the names of other reps so they can get organised for the meetings. Rachelle said she would look into it. The previous manage has resigned under a cloud and it looks as if a new broom will sweep clean. It might be possible to restart the safety committee meetings. Aquascutum: The director has been playing fast and loose with members pay, withholding wages until the last minute before he could be taken to court. In spite of this business is booming with Aquascutum placing more orders there is now room for 30 or so more workers. A new director is in place so hopefully things will improve. It was agreed to pay Adrian Grover a further £250 for the work he is doing on the branch website. The secretary will contact him and try and put the arrangement on a more professional basis. Rachelle thanked Jackie and Maggie for the work they have been doing as accompanying reps. ![]()
![]() Mary Turner, president of the GMB, is coming to speak in Corby at the Ron Todd Memorial Lecture on the 11th July 2014 She will be taking part in the Ron Todd Memorial Lecture along with other speakers including Bruce Kent from CND.Mary has done a lot of good work for the GMB and is an excellent speaker. Each year Community Court Yard hosts this lecture to reflect on the year, in relation to the trade union principles of Social Justice, Equality and Fairness It would be great if we could get a good GMB turnout to hear her. The event will take place in the Corby Cube on Friday 11th of July at 6.30pm Community Court Yard a not for profit enterprise founded by the Todd Family in memory of Ron Todd. There is also a Facebook post by Community Court Yard about the event Gordon Glassford Branch Secretary GMB Northants Community Branch |
GMB Northants Community Branch
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February 2025