Did you catch Rachelle Wilkins GMB Northants Branch's Regional Organiser from GMB Midland and East Coast Region, on BBC Radio Wednesday 20th October, talking about Covid-19 and Northamptonshire schools? If not - you can listen to it on YouTube via the link below.
Firstly, it is an honour and a privilege to be elected as our new Branch Secretary of GMB Northants Community Branch.
Over the years I have worked with many unions, including the GMB in the field of trade union education, delivering education and training at national and international level. It is the activists that I have met and worked with that I have the highest respect, their dedication and commitment is the lifeblood of our movement. The October meeting of the GMB Northants Community Branch will be on Wednesday the 27th October at 7pm on Zoom video call The Zoom meeting link is available on our WhatsApp Group, in our monthly email to branch members and from the branch secretary A PDF copy of the Agenda is here and PDF copy of Septembers Summary minutes are here
All branch members are invited to branch meetings The September meeting of the GMB Northants Community Branch took place on Wednesday the 29th September 2021 on Zoom video call The Summary Minutes of the September Branch Meeting are below and a PDF file version of Summary Minutes can be downloaded here
GMB Midland & East Coast Women's Conference 2021, is on Tuesday 19th October at 10AM This is your opportunity to join other GMB members from across the Midland and East Coast region to discuss the issues facing women at work. The primary focus for this years conference will be on the Menopause and the event will be hosted online. Two of our guest speakers will be representatives from Newson Health – a clinic which specialises in menopause , you may have seen the lead GP Dr Louise Newson speak on Lorraine and in the recent Chanel 4 programme hosted by Davina Mc Call Sex, Myths, and Menopause.( to name but a few programmes) Menopause will effect all assigned female at birth, so together lets 'smash the stigma!'. We also want to hear from as many GMB women as possible on the lead up to the event. That's why we're launching our new women members survey, which you can find by clicking the below. It only take s a few moments to complete and will your union amplify the voices of women at work going forward. We hope you can join us at Women's Conference 2021!
GMB Northants Community Branch
The latest news from the GMB Northants Community Branch C51 branch of the GMB Union Categories
December 2024