GMB Northants Community Branch
Secretary, Alan Irwin,
Summary minutes of the branch meeting held on 29th September 2021
- Correspondence.
Alan Irwin read out correspondence received since our last meeting. A number of invites had been received from War on Want and the meeting agreed that we should invite them to a ‘special’ meeting of the branch to talk about their current work. Secretary to arrange.
- Secretary’s Report
Alan Irwin reported that after a slow start to taking over from the previous Secretary, due to the Regional and Finance Officer being unavailable, the transition is now moving, and training has been set up for the new Secretary. Secretary to report on Labour Research issues that members might be interested in. He reported on some of the excellent articles contained in LR and will try to pick out articles of relevance for future meetings.
- Financial Report
Paperwork has been signed off by the Secretary and President to deal with future transactions.
- Digital Communications Officers Report
Website activity has been good with 117 website visits in September. The September email had an excellent opening rate of 38.46%, being opened by 597 branch members. Social media has been quiet. The Zoom plan is due for renewal in October 2021
Website activity for last 30 days: We have 117 website visits (sessions) by 100 people (users) and they viewed 434 pages
Contact page updated with new branch officers
WhatsApp Group has 30 members
The September email newsletter was sent out on Saturday the 18th and resent on Tuesday 28th September to a total of 1552 members and was opened by 597 members, a 38.46% opening rate.
Social Media
Twitter: 694 Followers. Last 28 days: Tweets viewed (impressions) 50(-82.7%) Profile visits 24(-7.7%)
Facebook: 162(+0) Likes & 202(+0) Followers. Last 28 days: Posts seen by (reach) 37(-3%) people. Page views 8 (-20%). Post engagements 5 (-38%)
Zoom Meetings
Zoom subscription active until 14th October 2021, to renew the plan is a cost of £119.90 for 12 months or £11.99 per month
5. Equality Officers Report
Full and comprehensive delegates report was presented by the branches Equality Officer.
The Women’s conference is set for the 19th of October. World Menopause Day is the 18th October which will be a virtual conference. A big push for ‘Push the Stigma” via training provided by the GMB. The Equalities Officer reported that the real push is to get awareness of menopause into the workplace. Two workplaces have been put forward and details will be sent onto our Officer to follow-up. Follow-up report on progress at next branch meeting.
Report agreed and accepted.
6. Youth Officers Report
Comprehensive written report from our Youth Officer.
The biggest issue that arose at the equalities conference is that a large majority of youth members are not comfortable or familiar with the structures or terminology of the GMB as well as unions in general due to a variety of reasons. These included youth members being new to the working world, paid employment or unions. Therefore, among other measures the union is planning to introduce pamphlets or guidance that will either be included in the welcome pack of key definitions, structures, and/or will hold regular sessions for members to familiarise themselves with the structures and terms to become fully informed, engaged and active members of the union. This will ensure that everyone is able to contribute and have a voice regardless of their age or other background and thus ensuring the future of unions.
Moreover, youth members have complained that too often they do not feel taken seriously at their workplaces and society. They say they suffer from the prejudice that they have nothing of any value to contribute due to their young age. Common phrases that they hear from seniors as well as older colleagues are “We have tried this and it doesn’t work”, “That would never work!”, “You have it easy!”, “You couldn’t have faced many worries” or “It is not worth the effort as nothing will ever change which you will find out soon enough!”. They have said that these statements are demotivating, undermining as well as patronising and they worry how things will ever change with an attitude such as this.
Report agreed and accepted.
7. Accompanying Reps Report
The Secretary reported that he was still representing members in the workplaces, all of which have been done virtually.
8. Workplace Reports
Secretary to contact Reps for reports when unable to attend meetings.
9. Any Other Business
A plaque has been purchased for the outgoing Secretary and will be presented to him in the coming days in recognition of his work for the branch. Pictures to follow…
Yours fraternally
Alan Irwin
Alan Irwin
Branch Secretary
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