I am writing to you to let you know what is happening in the GMB Northants Community branch and to find out what more you think the branch should be doing and to find out if you would like to play a more active part in the branch.

2016 was a year of great change, much of it change for the worse. The vote in the referendum to leave the EU came as a shock to most and now nobody, especially the government, seems to know what to do next. But it is certain that there will be a sustained effort by the tories to curtail union rights. All we want for our members is fairness at work. We already have the most repressive anti union laws in Europe. It is no one’s interest to make them worse. Except those that make a profit out of human misery.
I must mention the election of Donald Trump as the next president of the USA. It isn’t clear what impact this will have but we can be sure that it won’t be good, unless your name is Nigel Farage.
We now have a new general secretary, Tim Roache, who used to be a full time officer in this region. I am sure Tim will be at the forefront in the union fight to protect working people in this country.
That union is the GMB
Every year the branch commemorates Workers Memorial Day. This year we will be holding it on Saturday April 29thth at 11.00am next to the steelworker statue in Corby town centre or in the Corby Cube if the weather is bad. We have speakers and invite other unions to attend. We also present a cheque to the Mesothelioma Research Fund which does a lot of good work helping those who have contacted this killer disease, usually caused by breathing asbestos at work, and funding research into a cure. We raised over £1000 for the fund last year and over the past few years we raised over £11000.
Finally we now have a website up and running which is really excellent. All that you need to know about the GMB nationally, regionally or locally can be found on it. Have a look on www.gmbnorthants.org or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/GMBNorthants and tell us what you think.
I hope you all have a prosperous and peaceful 2017.
Yours fraternally
Gordon Glassford
All meetings take place at 7.00pm in the Ex-Servicemen’s club Lloyds Road, Corby.