Retail Prices Index (RPI) & Consumer Prices Index (CPI) figures represent % change over 12 months
Consumer Prices Index (CPI) 2.6 % (+0.4% change on last month)
Consumer Prices Index with housing (CPIH) 2.6 % (+ 0.3% change on last month)
Retail Prices Headline Inflation Rate (RPI All items) 3.5 % (+0.4% change on last month)
Underlying Inflation Rate (RPIX excl mortgages) 3.8 % (+0.4% change on last month)
NOTE: CPIH is now the preferred Government measure The Government has made CPIH its main measure of inflation since 21 March 2017. The CPI excludes housing costs, however, and as a result the ONS has been developing the CPIH, which includes a measure of housing costs based on rental equivalents. The CPIH uses the rent paid for equivalent housing as a proxy for the costs faced by owner occupiers. (This may impact any pay negotiations or pension schemes that specifically refer to CPI)
See attached <KEY FIGURES> file for current National Minimum/Living Wage Rates and the current GMB Contribution Rates as agreed by GMB Congress 2016

key_figures_may_2017.pdf |

latest_inflation_may_2017.pdf |