I want to let you know about a critically important decision taken, yesterday, by the CEC to secure the future of our great union - reviewing our regional boundaries.
The financial position of the union has been deeply affected by Covid, although our union was already beginning to experience a decline in membership before the pandemic. Our income has shrunk, necessitating urgent action.
GMB branches have stepped up and played a huge part in stabilising the situation, whilst also establishing firm foundations for the future, through the review of financial contributions. This is an essential element, but just one part of a wider effort we need to make to ensure our union remains a powerful force for good for our members.
Another critical part of this recovery and rebuilding process is the proposal to move to 7 GMB regions from the current 9, an action that will release an additional £22 million over the next ten years. This is money that can be re-invested in organising and growing our union, helping ensure the survival of GMB, and enhance and strengthen the unique regional character of our union.
Membership numbers between GMB regions would also be rebalanced and artificial divides and barriers would be removed.
I look forward to meeting with you soon and discussing this better future.
With best wishes,
Gary Smith
GMB General Secretary