Branch Elections have been postponed because of Covid-19 following consultation with the Region.
We will announce the date of the elections in due course. In the meantime if you are interested in any of the roles, you can contact the Branch Secretary for more information
All branch officers, and the branch committee, will be elected at the meeting in June every four years. Nominations can be made at any of the three meeting nights before that meeting. If not enough nominations are made at these meetings, nominations can be made at the June meeting.
It should be noted that these post holders are lay member appointments. They are not employed by GMB but work on behalf of the union to provide advice and support to members in their branch.
- President
- Secretary
- Equality Officer
- Youth officer
- Two auditors
- An additional 5 committee members
We hold ten branch meetings a year and the branch secretary must make a commitment to attend all of them, take minutes and carry out any decisions made. She or he should also have a working knowledge of Excel and Word.
Branch Secretary Handbook
GMB recognises that the role of branch secretary is a vital link in the communications between the Union and our members.
The branch secretary, once elected to the position, has a wide range of duties and responsibilities to recruit, to service and to retain membership. The duties and responsibilities are set out in the union’s rulebook. Branch secretaries need to be familiar not just with the rules relating to their own position, but also with all rules of the union.
This branch secretary handbook aims to help branch secretaries know their responsibilities and role in meeting the aims and objectives of the GMB through the branch and democratic structures of the union.
Regions will carry out the necessary training and induction to meet the needs of the branch secretary and the branch secretary handbook is a reference tool and guide for all branch secretaries.