Youth Brass 2000 opened the event with an excellent performance
The event was addressed by Hannah Smith from Labour Behind the Label who spoke about the Rana Plaza disaster last year when 1200 garment workers, mostly young women, were killed when the building they were working collapsed.
Bert Schouwenburg, International officer - GMB spoke about the dangers in the construction industry particularly the plight of the migrant workers building the stadiums for the Qatar world cup in 2022.
Andy Sawford MP also spoke on the increasing dangers for workers in the UK especially agency workers and zero hour contracts.
A cheque fro £1000 collected from the GMB and other local unions was presented to Alida Coates from the June Hancock Mesothelioma Research Fund. Mesothelioma, which kills in all cases and is caused by asbestos, continues to kill thousands every year even though use of asbestos in this country was banned in 1999.
The event was very well attended and considered a great success.