GMB’s top priority is to challenge preparations being made for schools’ wider opening.
GMB members need to feel satisfied that risks of exposure to Covid-19 can be controlled.
GMB members in schools have responded in their thousands to the survey shared at the weekend regarding a wider opening of schools. Headlines responses included: 96% of respondents saying they are concerned that lives would be put at risk, and 0.5% believing social distancing would be achievable.
Whilst GMB will continue to challenge the June 1st deadline set by Government. GMB will be contacting members later this week ahead of the June 1st deadline to enable members to make contact with their heads. We will set out how you can do this over the next few days. In GMB members are at the heart of decision making so look out for further communications.
Following on from the joint education union’s statement last Friday. A further joint trade union statement has been agreed today (Wednesday). GMB along with the other education unions have published a joint statement on the safe reopening of schools.
schools_update.pdf |