Below are the Summary minutes and you can download a PDF file version of the September minutes here
GMB Northants Community Branch
Secretary: Gordon Glassford, Cresswell Walk, Corby, Northants, NN17 2LL
Phone: 07792208229
Email: [email protected]
Summary of the branch meeting held on 26.09.18
Natalie Grayson, recruitment officer had contacted our member at Panther Logistics in Northampton and we are waiting on developments.
A request has been received from a member whose son plays for Corby Viking Warriors FC under 11’s for sponsorship. It was agreed that we should sponsor them as long as the branch logo appears on that age groups shirts only as we already sponsor a younger team at Kingswood Juniors FC. It was suggested that we should look at whether it would be possible to sponsor female sports teams i.e. netball as most of our sponsorship is male orientated. The secretary will look into it.
Another meeting had been held for St Andrews members which had been successful. Unfortunately the regional equalities officer had not been able to attend. Hopefully he will come to the next one. It has been agreed that three accompanying reps from St Andrews will be trained. Training to take place in the Peterborough office in November, dates to be arranged.
The secretary welcomed the appointment of Martin Allen as the new regional secretary. They both attended weekend courses at Stoke Rochford in the old days. Martin has indicated that he would like to come to a branch meeting probably sometime in the New Year. He has been sent a list of dates.
It was agreed that we purchase more pens, lanyards and trolley coins from Pellacraft.
The secretary is still having problems with the new IBM emailing system. He will not be keeping files on the system just use it for emails and contacts.
We will re-affiliate to Northants Trades Council 500 members at 20p each.
It was agreed that we pay £10 a month to the secretary for his phone.
Financial Report: The branch accounts remain healthy
The September newsletter had been sent to 1501 members, opened by 31.5%, about average. The website has been updated. Not much change on Facebook and Twitter. Both down slightly on last month.
Not much change at Kier. Still no measures letter about the merger of services between Corby and Kettering. New employees aren’t joining the union. Rachelle will go down there along with Natalie.
There have been 70 full time new starts at Matalan warehouse. Rachelle and Natalie will be going there tomorrow, the 27th, for recruitment.
Redundancies are ongoing at Prince William School.
Northants County Council: A new finance officer has been appointed. Details of cuts will be announced soon which will cause a lot of distress and job losses. Jeremy Corbyn had highlighted the uselessness of the Tories in the county in his leaders address to the labour party conference.
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