GMB Northants Community Branch
Secretary: Gordon Glassford, Cresswell Walk, Corby, Northants, NN17 2LL
Phone: 07792208229
Email: [email protected]
Summary of the Branch Meeting held on 30th May 2018
Matters Arising.
The secretary was congratulated on a well-run Workers Memorial Day. There had been some last minute problems, the original band couldn’t do it and the speaker from Justice from Columbia, Nick MacWilliam, was ill. Corby Silver Band had stepped in at the last minute and been very well received and the secretary had read a report Nick had sent him. Nick has said he will speak at next years event. So had Tim Roache. If you include Beth Miller that’s three speakers already sorted.
The confusion over the ASDA branch has been sorted, sort of. It was set up by Richard Taylor at the request of members working in the ASDA warehouse in Northampton and represents members mainly in the distribution sector. ASDA shop workers remain in this branch. It is still unclear why some new members in the Corby area are being put in the branch.
All the branch nominations for Office at the Corby and East Northants CLP AGM had been elected..
It was agreed that we should re-affiliate to the National Pensioners Convention for £25 and donate another £25. We will try and find delegates.
It was agreed to purchase 200 diaries at 60 pence each and 1 large dairy for Maggie. The extra diaries are for members who act as contacts in various workplaces, mainly schools.
It was agreed that we purchase a book of tickets from the Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign for £12.
Secretary’s Report:
Corby and East Northants CLP women’s forum is planning a series of events to mark some women getting the vote in 1918. The secretary has been busy with Workers Memorial Day and hasn’t heard anything since. He will look into when he gets back from holiday.
The GMB has decided that in the light of the new general data protection requirements all branch secretaries should have the same server for their emails, see agenda heading. Branch secretaries are obviously being used as guinea pigs to iron out the problems, there are loads, so that it can be rolled out to all officers and reps - this should have been done months ago instead of doing it at the last minute in a panic.
Financial Report
The financial situation remains healthy
Equality Officers Report:
The Regional Equality conference report will take place on November 8th. Election of delegates will take place at the next meeting after the secretary finds out what who is eligible and how many can be elected. Which wasn’t made clear in the letter from region.
Workplace Reports:
Kier:A rep had attended a meeting between Corby and Kettering council about the ongoing merger of street services. He felt it had gone quite well and is looking forward to more meetings. He felt that his members had been kept in the dark about what was going on. One of his members, one of our branch members in Kier has died. It was agreed that the branch send his widow £200 to help with funeral expenses.
St Andrews Healthcare: Two members were welcomed to the meeting. They said that there was a great deal of interest in employees joining the GMB. It was agreed that we should try and set up a meeting in July.
Matalan Warehouse; the pay offer of 2.87% has been accepted. This is slightly more than the last offer which had been rejected.
Any Other Business:
The secretary had received an email from Rachelle asking why the branch hadn’t voted for any of the GMB auditors. The secretary said this was because nobody knew anything about who was standing or made one candidate any different from any of the others. The branch has never voted in this election. The meeting agreed with the secretary’s sentiments.
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