GMB Northants Community Branch
Secretary: Gordon Glassford, Cresswell Walk, Corby, Northants, NN17 2LL
Email: [email protected]
Summary of the branch meeting held on 27.03.19
It was agreed to make a donation to Freedom from Torture.
Arrangement for Workers Memorial Day are going ahead. Speakers will be Beth Miller, Nick MacWilliam from Justice for Columbia, Craig Stuart, regional health and safety officer, and Kate Hill from the June Hancock Mesothelioma Research Fund to whom we will be presenting a cheque. The money collected so far is good. Details about the buffet and the band have still to be finalised. We have not succeeded in our efforts to get a speaker on modern slavery. Clare said she has spoken to the co-op party and might be able to help.
Letter have been sent to all new members. There have been 83 starters and 105 leavers this year. Membership stands at 2661.
The branch finances remain healthy. The secretary is shifting over to online branch accounting. This should help the new secretary when they take over next year.
The new living wage will be implemented in April. It remains to be seen if all our employers implement it properly.
We will be balloting on the wage offer from Matalan on Thursday 28th. HR is being moved off site.
Transition from Kier to Kettering/Corby boroughs has gone well. Some employees had been underpaid by Kier by a large amount. This will be put right.
Northants County Council is getting back to normality. Pay rises are being paid and backdated. If there is a general election this could delay the Unitary Authorities going ahead as planned.
ASDA/ Sainsbury Merger: A proposal has been submitted to the Competition and Mergers Authority which would mean the closing of 120 stores nationwide. This is being opposed by trade unions.
Martin Allen, the regional secretary spoke to the meeting. Martin gave an update on the current situation in the region. He then answered questions from the floor. This was his first visit to the southern area.
Clare Pavitt is the GMB sponsored candidate for the labour party parliamentary selection in Kettering.

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