View the PDF of the GMB Northants Summary Meeting Minutes here
GMB Northants Community Branch
Secretary: Gordon Glassford, Cresswell Walk, Corby, Northants, NN17
Summary of the branch meeting held on 28.11.18
The Red Box projects in Corby and Kettering haven’t set up bank accounts yet so the donations haven’t been made. Both have assured us that they will be set up shortly. A member in Brackley had contacted the branch about the Red Box project there. It was agreed to make the same donation.
It was agreed to make a donation to Hazards 2019.
Nominations for Delegates to Congress/ Motions to GMB Congress 2019. A branch member was nominated to stand as a delegate.
We will make a donation to the ex-servicemen’s club for the use of the room for a year.
It was agreed to make a donation to the Alzheimer’s Society for which the secretary volunteers.
The diaries have arrived and the secretary will be sending them out in the next couple of weeks
There had been an increased opening rate for the emailed branch newsletter. The website has been updated and the about page has been updated to include a member breakdown. Social media activity had fallen slightly.
A branch member had been to the Regional Equality Conference where there had been speakers on modern slavery, gender identity and the menopause. The branch motion on the gender pay gap had been passed. Kettering CLP have had training to help with gender identity issues and were trying to get a motion through the council regarding modern slavery awareness training.
Progress towards a merger between Corby and Kettering street services was going quite well and we are quite optimistic.
The regional council had met that day. Martin Allen, the new regional secretary, intended to visit all the branches in the region in the new year. The secretary said he had already sent Martins PA, Cheryl Evans, a list of meeting dates we could invite him to.

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