You can download the minutes in PDF format to print here
Secretary: Gordon Glassford, Corby, Northants, NN17 2LL
Email: [email protected]
Summary Minutes of the branch meeting held on 26.10.16
2. Matters Arising:
a) Rachelle had been assured by management at Accuma that our members are getting paid the ‘living wage’ but it was not showing on payslips and this would be rectified on the next payslips. Rajko will keep Rachelle informed.
b) Lily had attended the RMA AGM instead of the regional equality forum. We hope that these important events are not allowed to clash in future.
c) Tim Roache had been at the RMA AGM and Lily had broached the matter of accompanying reps. Tim agreed that the issue was confused and will be contacting regional secretaries about it.
d) Fergus told the meeting that the 2 year extension to the contract between Corby council and Kier has apparently been signed. We are hopeful that council services can then be bought back in house.
3. Correspondence:
a) The secretary has received the voting papers for nomination of delegates and motions for next year’s congress. These will go on next month’s agenda.
b) It was agreed to re-affiliate to Labour Research for £120 and to donate £100 to the Hazards campaign.
c) Steve P, former secretary for our region and GMB deputy general secretary has sadly died at the age of 73. It was agreed that we donate £50 to Cancer Research UK in his name.
4. Secretary’s Report:
a) It was agreed that we hold next years Workers Day Memorial commemoration. Saturday 29th of April. We will invite Tim Roache.
b) We will see if we can arrange a meeting of workplace organisers, probably in March.
5. Financial Report was received
6. Equality Officers Report:
Martyn had attended the Regional Equality Forum that day. The motion from the branch concerning the increase in European hate crimes following Brexit had been passed. The conference marked 40 years since the strike by Grunwick workers, mostly Asian women. There had been a presentation by the friends and bredrin (FAB) prostate cancer support and self help group. It was agreed that we look into getting them down here if we can be sure of enough numbers to make it worth their while. We could open a meeting up to other GMB branches or other unions in this area. We will look into it. The meeting was also addressed by Forces in the Community about mental health first aid. It was agreed that we also invite them to a meeting at some point in the future. Martyn said the conference had been really well run and interesting.
7. Workplace Reports:
a) Accuma. One of our members has put in a grievance. Rachelle will handle it.
b) Kier. There has been no health and Safety committee meeting for 5 months. We will be putting a complaint in. Number of employees is down. A member had been injured by a monument falling on him in the old Rockingham Road cemetery. Management had been unable to produce a toppling certificate (I know)
8. AOB
a) Lily had attended the RMA AGM. As the only delegate from the midlands region she had proposed 3 motions mainly concerning discrimination against the over 80s. There had been a discussion about insurance companies increasing premiums for the elderly, especially motoring and travel insurance. Tin Roache had attended the meeting and Lily had been impressed.
b) Martyn said that thanks to government cuts there are not enough regional judges or panel members on employment tribunals. This, along with the increase in fees means that working people are finding it hard to seek redress from employers. There is a proposal that tribunals could sit with fewer members which would be a backward step.
c) Richard Taylor, senior organiser addressed the meeting. He said that it looked like the proposal to reduce the number of regions had been dropped although there could still be changes to the regional structure to reflect demographics and to stop regions overlapping.
d) Fergus thanked the branch had given to one of his members, it was much appreciated. He and many of his members hadn’t received a ballot paper for the recent labour leadership election. Richard said there had been a number of complaints about this and it would be looked into.
e) Rachelle said that she is making good progress in recruiting at AMEY in Northampton.
The meeting closed at 8.30pm.

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