Secretary: Gordon Glassford, Corby, Northants, NN17 2LL
Summary of the branch meeting held on 28.03.18
Members in Kier are not happy at apparently being left in the dark about the ongoing merger of council services between Corby and Kettering.
Beth Miller the labour party prospective parliamentary candidate for Corby and East Northants has been placed in the Northants ASDA branch. This is odd because she doesn’t work for ASDA and we have 150 ASDA members in the branch including new members.
The secretary had attended a rally in Northampton protesting against the tory county councils incompetence. He had spoken to Richard Oliver, regional political officer, about the way the selection of the labour candidate had been handled and the branch had been ignored. He accepted that he could have handled it better and would involve the branch in future selections.
Martyn hasn’t been elected to attend congress, not surprising even though we are the second largest branch in the region. 2500 members with no voice at congress. Richard Taylor had emailed the secretary to ask if we had submitted a motion, doesn’t seem a lot of point really.
Corby and East Northants labour party are organising events to mark the centenary of women and some men getting the vote. We will get more details as they happen.
Secretary’s Report
The secretary had sent out 113 letters to new members.
The standing orders to 8 foodbanks in the county have been resumed after a few hiccups.
Arrangements are going ahead for Workers Memorial Day are going ahead. Only two speakers have so far been finalised, Beth Miller and Nick MacWilliam from Justice for Columbia. There is a possibility that Tim Roache will speak but he may have other engagements. A speaker from Northants county council has been invited. It was agreed that we have a sandwich platter buffet for 25. We should have some GMB banners. Hopefully we will have the same band as the last 2 years. The band leader is trying to get it organised. Alida Coates will be there to be presented with the cheque.
Communication Officer Report
Website: Visits to the website are down slightly. Adrian felt that the website should have a contact page for branch officers. A sample page can be viewed
Social media; Facebook remains fairly constant, twitter activity had increased mainly because of the Northants cc protest on 22nd of February.
Workplace Reports
Kier: Other than matters arising nothing.
Matalan. Vote on wage negotiations has been done, count tomorrow (Thursday) it looks as if it will be close.
Accuma: Things are still not clear mainly due to the payslips introduced with annual hours. It seems that shift workers may not be getting paid in accordance with the national living wage. After a lively discussion it was noted that more information and detail is needed before this can be sorted satisfactorily.
BCA. Security staff have been instructed to carry out searches on all staff after they have clocked out. Martin had pointed out this is illegal and had refused.

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