GMB Northants Community Branch
Secretary, Alan Irwin,
Summary Minutes of the Branch Meeting held on 24th November 2021
Agreed as a true record.
Matters Arising
Holocaust Memorial Day – Corby Borough Council, 27th January 2022 – confirmed. GMB to be one of the keynote speakers.
Alan Irwin, Branch Secretary read out correspondence received since last meeting:
Mental Health course.
War on Want – constant flow of correspondence from WoW. Mostly in relation to COP26. Vaccine apartheid in Africa was an interesting report and the branch agreed we should push to have them attend one of our informal meetings
Banner Theatre- contribution towards next production – Agreed
Regional Committee Reports. To be discussed under Secretaries report.
Nicaragua – update reports most on recent elections
Journals received from, CS, Labour Research – money paid for next years subscription.
Secretary’s Report
Physical meetings next year. Members expressed concern about coming to Corby for physical meetings. Agreed to stay with Zoom and re-visit next year.
Regional Committee Meetings. Highlighted points.
GMB Conference 2022 – Agreed, Elected delegates –
Agreed - agenda Conference motions at the January 2022 meeting.
Regional Council Elections – Agreed for the January 2022 meeting.
Informal meeting 16th November 2021. Keynote speaker WASPI. Excellent meeting. Agreed that we continue with informal meetings. Adrian suggested we have a better ‘lead-in’ time to announce informal meetings in order to generate more interest and attendance – agreed.
New members have been sent out welcome letters.
Financial Report
Current Balances healthy
Agreed the Branch Secretary should get a new laptop.
Thanks to Gordon for his help and support in compiling the last Q3 audit.
Presidents Report
President reported on her attendance at Region Council. Report received regarding Equality Forums and Task Force following the Monaghan report.
Branches taking a share in the Credit Union, to support members. Looking to branches to endorse. Correspondence being sent out with full details to all branches.
Honorarium payments – looking to reduce payments the concern was that too many branches are holding large funds and not being “very active.” Still not agreed by Conference.
Digital Communications Officers Report
Website activity for last 30 days was at a little quieter:
News Items Added to Website: GMB Reps Training, WASPI Meeting, Basic Skills training, Banner Midwifes Song, Oct Summary Minutes Nov Agenda & meeting details
WhatsApp Group has 32 members (+0)
The November email newsletter was sent out on Saturday the 20th November to a total of 1,555 members
Twitter & Facebook: ok
Equality Officers Report
Pat has been asked to deliver training in the region starting in December and another scheduled for January 2022.
Planning to take place in the New Year for International Women’s Day.
Adrian asked about further information regarding Smash the Stigma.
Accompanying Reps Report
The Secretary reported that he was receiving a steady flow of cases, at least one a week, sometimes more, mostly disciplinary hearings. Gordon raised that we should be using more of our other accompanying Reps. It was agreed that we need to monitor this more closely.
Workplace Reports
Ray reported on Matalan.
Ray thanked for his support in a recent case
Any Other Business
Holocaust update for those who attended the meeting late. It was agreed to make a donation to support the event.
Gordon asked and it was agreed that we find out what other events are happening around the County.
Pat has offered an up-date on the menopause campaign. Accepted and agreed
Branch meeting dates to follow the same format – last Wednesday of each month.
Yours fraternally
Alan Irwin
Branch Secretary
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