Download a PDF copy of the April Minutes here
Secretary: Gordon Glassford, Corby, Northants, NN17 2LL
Phone: 07792208229
Email: [email protected]
Summary of the branch meeting held on 26.04.17
Lily’s expenses for the NPC conference didn’t cover both nights hotel stay which was paid by the NPC. The secretary will send them a cheque.
The secretary has been contacted by the publishers of the Kettering General Hospital Staff Handbook to see if we wanted to place an advert. The secretary will seek advice.
Martyn and Lily will be delegates to this year’s Regional Equality Conference. There is room for two more. Region must have details of motions and delegates by July 12th. Motions will be on next months agenda.
It was agreed to donate £50 to ‘Bobbie date’ a breast cancer charity supported by the GMB Nottingham TEC branch.
It was agreed to donate £100 to the organisers of the Mayday activities in Wellingborough.
We will donate £100 to Banana Link to support the Fyffe’s 35, details on website.
Arrangements for Workers Memorial Day have been done. It just remains to see how many turn up. The weather forecast is cold but dry so we should be able to hold it outside.
The secretary is now the Trade Union Liaison Officer for Corby and East Northants labour party.
We are still financially healthy. If any member has a charity they wish to make a donation to contact the secretary.
Presidents Report. Jackie spoke about the coming general election a discussion followed.
Social Media: Traffic levels to the website have increased from last month. Content has been updated including the LRD fact service, March inflation figures, GMB Pension Webinars, WMD Plinth photo. And the Unionline Will writing service.
Martyn spoke of various items of interest including the incorrect labelling of workers as self employed and the impact of Brexit on workers’ rights. He will pass on his info to Adrian to go on the website.
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