Below are the Summary minutes of the meeting.
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Summary Minutes of the Branch Meeting held on 26th May 2022
- War on Want, consistent flow of correspondence. Jackie Simpkins still being pushed to attend an informal meeting. Special attention to the atrocities of the Israeli Armed Forces.
- More offers for free on-line courses for GMB members.
- Worley Hall – meetings held on a Sunday which the Secretary cannot attend.
- Nicaragua – global up-dates
- Invoice from Corby Town Council – Workers Memorial Day – paid.
- Research on the impact of emails and their mental health.
- TUC – National Demo Day – Working People Have Had Enough!, 18th June 2022. Free bus, pick-up point in Northampton on the day.
- Race Gap – Zoom meeting. Point made that we do not have an active Race Officer who could have attended this meeting.
- Correspondence from our Political Officer re. candidates for the forthcoming GE. “Have you Got What It Takes? Candidates in Corby and Kettering still to be officially confirmed.
- CTC, request for donation for an awareness day for young people at the Corby Cube. Agreed, £200
- Corby taxi sponsorship. Agreed to re-instate.
- National Pensions Council – reports
- National Transport Workers – Ukraine support appeal.
Secretary’s Report
- Regional Council Election results.
- Corby Oakley Vale – gig to raise money for Ukraine families on the 13th July 2022 at the Corby Cube. Secretary suggested we purchase tickets for interested members. Raised concern that the branch should be spending more of the members income that we receive into our accounts. Secretary raised the point about food banks being under a lot of pressure and could do with additional funding. Suggested that the branch should have a budget for donations and have a clearer idea of where funding should be going. Digital Officer to draft a budget for the next meeting.
- Accompanying Reps – we need more of our ARs to be active and support the work of our FTO. Secretary suggested we need to have educational support for our ARs who are willing to represent members. Raised concern about the level of representation that ARs and workplace place reps. can be expected to deal with before it is handed up to full time officials. Branch agreed that we contact ARs to ascertain who is willing to continue in that role and support those with an education day in consultation with our Regional Education Officer. Secretary to report to the next meeting.
- Secretary reported that he is visiting Kettering Home Start on the 31st May – report to next meeting.
- Q1 accounts have been approved by the auditors and signed off.
Financial Report
- Balances remain healthy
- Interest rates up to 1%
- Suggested we ask people for ideas at the next meeting for where we can donate locally and nationally/international. Agreed.
- Adrian to look at budget and report to the Secretary for the next meeting.
Presidents Report
No report.
Digital Communications Officers Report
Website activity for last 30 days: we had 143 (+1) website visits (sessions) by 116 (-1) people (users) and they viewed 548 (-14) pages.
News Items Added to Website:
The website domain name gmbnorthants.org has been renewed for 12 months
WhatsApp Group has 29 members (-1)
The May email newsletter was sent out on Saturday 21st May to a total of 1,593 members and has been opened by 595 members, a 37.5% opening rate
Twitter: 707 (+5) Followers. Last 28 days: Tweets viewed (impressions) 365 (+138.6%) Profile visits 235(-58.8%)
Facebook: 209 (+1) Likes & 255 (+12) Followers. Last 28 days: Posts seen by (reach) 62 (-14%) people. Page views 8 (--11%). Post engagements 7 (+75%)
Equality Officers Report
Women’s summit on the 30th April, not attended as well as expected on a bank holiday weekend. The focus was on equal pay which is something the branch needs to consider for the future. Adrian suggested more equality reports for the website. Pat agreed to provide a steady stream of activity/events…
Accompanying Reps Report
Once again, the Secretary reported that he was still busy representing members, mostly by Teams/Zoom.
Any Other Business
President raised an observation that we had changed the meeting date to accommodate Cllrs who tend to have meetings on a Wednesday but that seems to have made little difference. Agreed to keep Thursday and monitor.
Next meeting 30th June, 2022

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