GMB Northants Community Branch
Secretary: Gordon Glassford
Summary of the branch meeting held on 28th April 2021
The first hustings for the general secretary election will be held on May 10th. Members had been asked to submit questions. The meeting will be recorded so that members who can’t make the meeting will be able to view it.
Region is setting up a young members network. Branch members under 30 years had been informed
We have received an appeal from the Disasters Emergency Committee in regards to the covid crisis in India. It was agreed to make a donation.
The minutes from the April regional committee and CEC meetings have been received.
We have been asked if we will sponsor the Corby Warriors FC under 11 team again. This was agreed.
We received a nomination for race officer. Any more nominations for officers must be made on or before the next meeting on May 26th.
The Workers Memorial Day commemorations had been held in Corby and Kettering. The turnout in Corby had been poor although it had been better in Kettering. It was agreed to pay the cost of the wreaths.
Preparation for the May Day meeting are going ahead. Banner Theatre would do a set via YouTube at the start and we would have a song from Paul Balmer about the Covid crisis at the end. We would make a donation to Oakley Vale Rangers, a music charity for young people that Paul helps to run.
The excellent flyer that Adrian had come up with had been emailed to branch members and as many people and organisations that we could think of. The main speaker will be Suzanne Jeffery from the Campaign Against Climate Change charity. We agreed to affiliate to them.
The branch finances remain healthy
Jackie, who is standing as a candidate in the upcoming elections had attended a council meeting and felt that it had gone well.
The website is all up to date. April newsletter sent out to 1523 members and opened by 349 members. May Day Event email sent to all members on 27th April. Mayday Event posted to Facebook and Twitter. Workers Memorial Day photos for Kettering and Corby shared to social media with hashtag #IWMD21 and on website too.
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