Summary of the branch meeting held on 28th October 202
The secretary has sent out draft reps reports. So far only one rep has replied. It was agreed we should continue this initiative despite the disappointing response.
It was agreed that we pay the balance of the year’s subscription for zoom.
The secretary had received the regional committee meeting minutes on October 14th. One branch has started a trial branch retention scheme to try and retain members who have been made redundant due to coronavirus. The secretary will contact the branch secretary.
We have also received the CEC minutes.
It was agreed to re-affiliate to Labour Research.
Secretary’s Report:
There are 2628 members in the branch. In September 34 new members were recruited and we had 28 leavers. Letters have been sent out to the new members.
30 workplace contacts, reps and ‘activists’ had been emailed and encouraged to join our Zoom meetings only one has responded.
Financial Report:
The branch finances remain healthy
Any Other Business:
G4S members who work in Northampton Job Centre have been asked to work on Saturdays. It is under negotiation.
We will have another informal branch meeting on November 11th. We will invite a speaker from Hope not Hate