Summary of the branch meeting held on 28.01.15
The voting for congress 2015 was agreed on.
Dennis Skinner will be attending a Question and Answer session at the Grampian club in Corby on February 27th. Tickets are £10. Anyone interested should let the secretary know.
It was agreed to re-affiliate to the National Pensioners Convention.
Secretary’s Report:
The meeting endorsed the secretary’s action in sending a cheque for £100 to a member who had been very ill and was struggling to make ends meet over Christmas.
It was agreed that the secretary looked into the possibility of advertising in the local trader magazines.
We have been promised that the secretary will now get a monthly membership update. He intends to write to all new members welcoming them to the branch.
The branch financial position remains healthy
Less than half of members are opening emails from the branch. We have 7 likes on Facebook and 128 followers on Twitter. The secretary still doesn’t know what this means but it doesn’t seem a lot.
Rachelle reported that Korisby (Aquascutum) has gone into administration owing members 10 weeks wages. The good news is that they will now be paid the money they are owed through the government’s redundancy fund they will also get holidays paid and some redundancy pay if they qualify. The bad news is that there is nothing to stop the company setting up elsewhere and doing the same thing.
Rachelle will be seconded to the Peterborough CLP for April in the run up to the General Election.
It was agreed to invite a member of the Southern Area action team to speak at a future meeting.
The meeting closed at 8.00pm
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