GMB Northants Community Branch
Secretary: Gordon Glassford, Corby, Northants, NN17 2LL
Phone: 07792208229
Email: [email protected]
Summary of the GMB Northants Community Branch Meeting held on 27.01.16
It was agreed that the branch will vote for younger people, women and those who haven’t been to congress before as delegates to this years congress
We will donate £100 to Labour behind the Label.
It was agreed to pay for the Corby taxi to carry our logo for another year it was suggested that we could change the design so that it was more specific to the branch.
We will hold this year’s Workers Memorial Day commemoration on Saturday April 30th. The secretary will start inviting speakers. Various suggestions were made. He will also write to the Youth 2000 Brass band to see if they can come this year.
Regional Secretary Andy Worth has announced that he will be retiring this year. He hopes that the new secretary will be in place by the time congress takes place in June.
Branch finances remain healthy
Social Media: Adrian said everything is looking quite good at the moment in terms of emails to members being opened and visits to the website and facebook pages. Ian Totton asked if he could have a poster advertising the website and facebook page that he could put on the Union notice board at Matalan. Adrian will see to it.
The secretary will write to Craig Stuart to see if more education courses can take place in the south of the region.
Any Other Business:
Debbie told the meeting that there is to be a fundraiser for Corby Food bank on the 17th of February at learn direct on Wood Street. It was agreed to donate £200.

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