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Summary of the branch meeting held on 24.06.15
Secretary: Gordon Glassford, Corby, Northants, NN17 2LL
Phone: 01536 262733
Email: [email protected]
Apologies: Debbie Foley, Ray Beeby, Brian Fayter.
The secretary has heard nothing from Paul Kenny regarding possibly attending a meeting of the branch working party to discuss making better use of accompanying reps.
The branch will purchase 4 copies of Law at Work 2015.
Lily will attend the Regional Equalities Forum in October. The secretary will try and find if anyone else is interested.
It was agreed that the branch will purchase £100 worth of shares in Wortley Hall, a co-operative party training establishment, the shares will be held in the secretary’s name.
Nomination papers have been received for the election of a new General Secretary. The secretary has received no details from any interested parties but Rachelle said that she had heard that the regional secretaries for North West and Yorkshire regions would be putting their names forward.
Secretary’s Report:
One of the branches reps is seriously ill. It was agreed that we pay £200 towards his travelling costs to Northampton General Hospital for treatment.
Tracey from Youth Brass 2000 has suggested that they could do a concert at Corby cube. The secretary will investigate to see if this is feasible.
It was agreed to make a donation to Groundwork Northamptonshire for their Green Patch project.
Presidents Report: Jackie suggested that we have a regular item on the Agenda for the website/social media. This was agreed. In his first report Adrian said that the number opening the meeting notice email was quite low and the numbers looking at our Facebook page and Twitter account was poor but this was to be expected. It was agreed that courses run by the GMB or TUC should be publicised on the website.
The branches finances remain healthy. The secretary is always looking for good causes the branch can contribute to.
Lily had attended the AGM of the National Pensioners Convention in Blackpool and will be attending the next meeting of the GMB Retired Members Association in Nottingham. The branch will pay expenses.
Karen had taken up a grievance on behalf of teaching assistants who were being used in roles outside of their remit. She had come to an agreement involving time off in lieu but it looks as management are trying to renege on the deal.
Workers at Kier staged a walk out after ‘temporary workers’ who have been working for Kier between 1 and 4 years had been sent home and been replaced by new starts. The action on this occasion had been successful but it was illegal and couldn't be supported by the union although the branch was sympathetic and would help if possible.
While at the NPC AGM in Blackpool Lily had attended a rally and had managed to get her picture in the Blackpool Gazette. We will try and get this on the website.

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