Summary of the GMB Northants branch meeting held on 25.03.15
Brian Cameron, workplace organiser for Initial Services, town centre security in Corby has died after a short illness. This has come as quite a shock to the branch. Brian was an excellent rep for his members and through him we attracted many new members. He was instrumental in getting a fair deal for his members when their previous company refused to meet their commitments when Initial took over. He will be sadly missed. Funeral details will be announced when we have them. It was agreed that we buy flowers or make a charitable donation depending on the wishes of the family.
We have failed once again to have our nominee elected to congress. This comes as no surprise even though we are the second largest branch in the region and we had an excellent nominee in Maggie Don. It was agreed that the branch wouldn’t be sending visitors to congress this year as it is being held in Dublin which would far too expensive for the branch especially when flights are added.
It was agreed to make donations to the Working Class Library in Manchester, the Kettering Centre for the Unemployed, the Canon Collins Trust and the GMB International Solidarity Fund (Banana Link)
Secretary’s Report:
Most arrangements are in place for Workers Memorial Day. Hopefully we will be able to hold it outside by the Steelworker Statue. If not Ray Beeby arranged a space for us in the Cube, he has also organised the buffet. We will present a cheque to Alida Coates from the June Hancock Mesothelioma Research fund. Details of the event are attached.
Sponsorship of the ‘GMB’ taxi in Corby is up for renewal. It was agreed we pay the same as previous years.
Financial Report:
Unity Trust online is up and running we have done a couple of transactions on it and everything seems ok.
a) We have opened an account with the Thorne Credit Union and have a healthy surplus in the current account.
b) The branch approved the purchase of a new printer and print cartridges.
Presidents Report:
Jackie said she was very impressed by Andy Sawford and was talking him up on social media with links to our website.
Equality Officers Report:
Lily is still living the high life in Australia. If she doesn’t come back soon the secretary will have to go out and fetch her.
Youth Officers Report
No report
Workplace Reports:
Learning Direct: Charlotte, Kayleigh and Deborah described the work Learning Direct does. It is part of the Work Programme and is involved with trying to get people back into work. It is run by A for E, a private company with a poor record in the public sector, and as a result their employees are under pressure. Hopefully we will have enough members to gain automatic recognition.
Accuma Plastics: The employer has given members a 3% wage rise as a result of intensive lobbying over the past year by the union.
Initial Services have taken over Sterling’s company and there don’t seem to be any problems so far.
Korisby (Aquascutum): Rachelle reported that the company had been named and shamed by Andy Sawford in the commons for paying less than the minimum wage and not paying wages at all. There is a rumour that an associate of the director of Korisby is seeking to start up at Aquascutum in Corby. We will be keeping a close eye on this.
Meeting Closed

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