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Minutes of the branch meeting held on 25.11.15
Apologies: Debbie Foley, David Hewitt.
1. The minutes of the last meeting were agreed to be a true record
2. Matters Arising: The chancellor had reversed his plan to cut working tax credits in the autumn statement but we shouldn’t fall into the trap that he is suddenly on the side of low paid working people.
3. Correspondence:
a) Tim Roache has been elected as the new general secretary of the GMB. The turnout was very poor, 4.4%. It was felt that this was partly because the voting papers had been sent out with the Contact magazine and had been missed by many members. The secretary to write to the regional secretary to express our concerns.
b) It was agreed to donate £200 to the York Disabled Workers Co-operative, formerly Remploy, and £100 to hazards.
4. Election of nominees for congress 2016. It was agreed to nominate Jackie Grover under the 10% rule and Gordon Glassford for election by branches. It was also agreed to send the same motion as this year concerning Accompanying Reps.
5. Secretary’s Report:
a) It was agreed to purchase £500 worth of promotional material from Pellacraft. This would include 500 pens.
b) We will give £100 to the Ex-Servicemen’s Club for the use of the room.
6. Financial Report: We have £8,097.28 in the current account and £5,000 with the Thorne Credit Union.
7. Presidents Report: Jackie feels that a branch of our size could do with more accompanying reps and that the FTO shouldn’t have to get involved in the first stage of disciplinary and grievance procedures.
8. Social Media: Adrian reported that fewer emails had been opened by members this month. ‘Likes’ and ‘followers’ on Twitter and Facebook had gone up slightly as had unique visitors on the website. We will try and get a photo of
the Kingswood Junior FC to go in the next contact magazine.
9. Workplace Reports:
a) Kier: Membership forms are needed, Rachelle will sort that out. Kier are getting second hand machines from Bexley not the new ones that are required. Their contract runs out in a year, hopefully it will go back in house.
Rachelle thanked David Swan for the excellent work he has been doing in the absence of Fergus and Robert, the regular reps, through illness.
b) Matalan: Management are complaining about the amount of time reps are taking off for training, as there is a health and safety training course coming up soon that isn’t going to change anytime soon. There are 40 new starters to be recruited the secretary will send some promotional material when he gets it. Things seems ok at the Corby site but they are having problems at head office in Skelmerdale which could have an impact on Corby.
c) Accuma Plastics: Rajko had nothing to report.
d) Kingswood School: Karen said that they had joined forces with the NUT to take their grievances to the head.
e) ISS Services: Sterling said that the 2 sections were to be merged but that contracts should remain the same.
10. AOB
a) Lily had attended the RMA conference. The main focus had been to put pressure on the government to introduce a ‘living pension’. She had also attended a NPC meeting in Leicester, the branch agreed to pay her train fare.
b) The delivery of diaries had been delayed because of a problem at the printers.
c) Rachelle and 2 other women officers is arranging a regional women’s conference to take place hopefully at the end of March.
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