The secretary had just got back from holiday so had little to report (that’s my excuse). David informed the meeting that membership of the branch has gone up by 109 to 2803 this year. The secretary said this was largely due to the efforts of Rachelle and the action team from the Leicester office. It was agreed that we invite a member of the action team to come to a future meeting. The secretary will look at the possibility of a branch meal again this Christmas.
The branch account is now online. The account remains healthy
The website is going well and is looking quite impressive. We now have a Twitter account and have 47 followers, we have 2 ‘friends’ on Facebook.
Workplace Reports:
Members at one of our companies may be doing overtime at less than minimum wage rates. Rachelle will look into it.
Rachelle reported that management seems to want to be the new broom that sweeps clean and will have to be watched closely.
Ray said that he has been appointed Labour party agent for Corby for the borough elections next year.
The employers of one of our stewards have been refusing to let him go on any courses. They backed down on the advice of a barrister when we were on the verge of going to an employment tribunal. The cost of the barrister to the employer? £2000-£3000.
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